Searching Cases from HRS Workstation

If you have Change Healthcare Study Share and the Horizon Medical Imaging PACS (version 11.0.8 or higher), you can conveniently search for Study Share that are relevant to the studies currently open in the PACS workstation.

To search for a case:

  1. In HRS, click the Find Case button in the tool bar to launch the case search form. The search form suggests possibly relevant search terms, derived the study description and indications fields in the DICOM headers of the currently open studies.

  2. Click on the terms that are most relevant, and/or enter additional search terms. Click on terms to add them as search criteria. You can also type in additional terms, such as a diagnosis. Results will match cases containing all terms in the text field which match the modalities of the currently opened studies. If you don’t want to constrain by modality, click on “Clear” to the right of the Modalities prompt.

  3. Click the Search button. Matching results will be listed. You can modify your search by entering new terms in the basic search field in the upper right corner, or using the advanced search link.