You can easily use the text field and filter dropdown menus to intuitively perform deep searches of cases. There are additional powerful ways to hone in on the results you want.
All entered terms must match, in any order. Equivalent to separating terms with AND. E.g., these will return the same results: wrist fracture and fracture AND wrist.
Search terms are stemmed—e.g., dog = dogs—but not to medical (Greek/Latin) roots.
Wrap your search in quotes: "Clay-shoveler fracture".
To find any of a group of terms, use OR: stenosis OR narrowing.
You can also mix AND and OR operators: brain AND ( tumor OR cancer ).
Prefix with a negative: -term. E.g., spondylolysis -trauma.
There is a known limitation in the search grammar right now that prevents multiple negative terms. Currently this will not work as expected: -this -that other.
You can use the case id, or case ids, to find or share cases, e.g., 68309001 OR 66371522 OR 66371559 OR 66371622 OR 66371680.
To search on just titles you can use title:, for example: title:mickey.
A class of words, called stopwords, is excluded from search to avoid skewing results with irrelevant data. Click to load the stoplist below. None of these multilingual stopwords will match anything in search.