Creating and Editing Cases
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* Available in full version only.
Create a case in your account through a web-form launched from the HMI system.
Prepare images for cases and send them to the teaching file server using DICOM or file upload.
Start the Case Editor to create a new case or edit an existing case.
Enter the title, patient information, anatomy, pathology, modalities, and other attributes.
Enter history, findings, diagnosis, discussion, references, and other text.
Submit the form to save your changes to the server.
Add any kind of file to a case by uploading it through your web browser.
Add an annotated version of an image to a case.
Add images and properties to the case from the teaching file's DICOM queue.
Edit captions, reorder images, delete images, and control when images are displayed.
Remove a case and its images from the repository.
Approve cases that have not yet been certified for accuracy or quality.
Create a case automatically by sending an email to the teaching file system.
Create a case automatically by copying images to a shared folder.