The Advanced Search form allows you to construct a query over any combination of attributes.
To perform a Advanced Search:
- Click on the Advanced Search link beneath the basic search button
in the upper right corner of the case manager screen:
- The Advanced Search Form appears, containing a large number of parameters
that allow you to constrain the search by various case attributes.
If a parameter does not appear in your search form, it is because
that attribute has been disabled by your administrator.
All parameters are optional, and if you leave a specific parameter in its default setting, it will not affect your search. The search engine will perform a Logical AND over your criteria, search, meaning that a candidate case must match ALL specific criteria or it will not be included in the search results.
The elements are:
Text match - Enter a word or phrase to look for.
Match on - If performing a text match, use the checkboxes to select which case elements to include in the search. Uncheck those boxes which you do not want to match. This gives you more control than the Basic Search. For example, if you want cases whose diagnosis is pneumonia but not cases which happen to mention pneumonia somewhere in the text, enter pneumonia in the text match box and uncheck all the checkboxes except 'Diagnosis'. Use the "Select all" checkbox as a shortcut for selecting or delecting all the elements at once.
Owned by - Enter the login ID of a user to constrain your search to cases owned by that user's account. Note: if you are looking for cases authored by a specific user, you should leave this field blank and use the "Authored by" field instead. If you don't know the user's login ID, you can use the "Find User" link to look up the user by name (in a different window), then enter the login ID here.
Authored by - Enter the login ID of a user to constrain your search to cases by a specific author. If you don't know the user's login ID, you can use the "Find User" link to look up the user by name.
Last Updated - To find cases which were created or updated on a specific date, choose 'ON' in the first drop-down list, and specify a day, month, and year. You may also find older cases using BEFORE and newer cases using AFTER.Anatomy - To constrain the search to a specific anatomy, select a category from the drop-down list. These categories correspond to the top-level categories in the Case Manager.
Pathology - To constrain by pathology, select a category from the drop-down list. If you specify a Pathology without an Anatomy, you can find cases matching that pathology regardless of anatomy.
ACR Code(s) - If your institution uses American College of Radiology (ACR) codes, you can enter them here. These may not be widely used, and you might get more hits by using the Anatomy and Pathology drop-down menus.
Modalities - Click one or more checkboxes to constrain the search to cases containing specific modalities. If you specify more than one modality, the search results will include cases containing any of the selected modalities. For example, if you click "MR" and "CT", you will get cases containing either an MR image, a CT image, or both.
Patient Information - You may constrain the search to patients in a specific age range or gender. If your system is configured to allow patient names and medical record numbers, you can enter those attributes to look up cases associated with a specific patient. This feature may be disabled by your administrator.
Exam Date - This field allows you to search for cases based on the date of the exam (if it was entered by the case author). To find cases whose exam occured on a specific date, choose 'ON' in the first drop-down list, and specify a day, month, and year. You may also find cases whose exam occured BEFORE or AFTER the specified date.
Birth Date - This field allows you to search for cases based on the date of birth of the patient exam (if it was entered by the case author). To find cases where the birth date occured on a specific date, choose 'ON' in the first drop-down list, and specify a day, month, and year. You may also find cases where the birth date occured BEFORE or AFTER the specified date.
Certification Status - To find only cases that have been approved by an authority, select 'Certified' from the drop-down menu. To find only uncertified cases, select 'Uncertified'. For previous interface, see Certifying Cases.
Case Quiz - This field allows you to specify whether you are looking for cases that have a quiz associated with them. To limit your search to cases which have quizzes, select 'Contains quiz'. To limit your search to cases which do not have quizzes, select 'Does not contain quiz'. Use the default value of "Unspecified" to ignore quiz status when searching cases.
Private or Shared - Search in "All Cases" or "My Cases"
If you are logged in, choose whether to search in All Cases or My Cases. Choosing "My Cases" will constrain the search to only those cases which you own. The default is "All Cases".
- Press return or click SEARCH. The system returns
a list of search results:
For each case in the result list, an abstract is displayed showing the title, case number, patient demographics, number and modality of images, history, diagnosis, author, and date created or last edited. Some of these fields are hidden if you are in Training Mode.
By default, cases are ordered by relevance: exact matches are ranked higher than partial matches, and if your search terms occur in the title or diagnosis of a case, it is ranked higher than if your search terms occur elsewhere in the case text.
You can reorder search results using the "Sort By" drop-down menu that appears to the right of the results list. You can order results by date, title, case number, author, or certification status.
If you are logged in, an open book iconmeans that you've previously visited the case, whereas a closed book icon
means that you've never visited the case before. You can reset your visitation stats from the Options menu.
A green checkmarknext to a case title indicates that the case has been Certified.
The search results only include cases which are accessible by you. Cases which are private or shared with groups that you do not belong to will not be returned. See Managing Groups for more information about group-level access control.
- Click on one of the case abstracts to see the full case
Clicking on the "SEARCH RESULTS" link in the breadcrumb trail above the case title will take you back to the list of matching cases. Clicking on the Prev and Next links will cycle through the cases in the results list. For previous interface see Classic Case Viewer.
See also: Using Training Mode, Adding Cases to a Folder.
Next: Viewing Images